SFDR Statement
Volt Investment Holdings B.V. (the "Manager"), is a 'financial market participant' within the mean-ing of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation ("SFDR"). The financial products that the Manager makes available do not promote environmental or social characteristics and do not have a sustainable investment as their objective. The financial products do not fall under the scope of article 8 of the SFDR or article 9 of the SFDR.
Article 3: Sustainability risks
Article 2 of the SFDR defines a ‘sustainability risk’ as “an environmental, social or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause a negative material impact on the value of the investment.” The Manager generally does not seek to invest in sectors that present significant sustainability risks. Therefore, in principle, the Manager does not take sustainability risks into account in its investment decisions, however sustainability and other risk factors may be con-sidered in connection with its ordinary investment decision-making and risk management activi-ties. It may be difficult to assess with any reasonable certainty whether sustainability risks exist, or the likely outcome of any sustainability risks on the investment in any portfolio company. Sustainability risks will not likely have a more materially adverse effect on the Manager’s returns than any other normal market or external risk. In case risks and impact on returns are identified, the Manager aims to use its commercially reasonable efforts to ensure to mitigate emerging sustainability risks and monitor follow-on measures.
Article 4: No consideration of adverse sustainability impact
The Manager does not currently consider principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors because of technical and data capture limitations associated with early-stage portfolio companies as well as the outsized administrative burden of principal adverse impact indicators relative to the organizational size of the Manager. The Manager intends to con-sider such principal adverse impacts when the requisite data is available.
Article 5: Remuneration disclosure
The Manager is not required to have a remuneration policy and therefore is not subject to the disclosure requirements of article 5 (2) of the SFDR. However, the Manager endeavors to im-plement fair remuneration practices to attract and retain highly qualified professionals while en-couraging risk-management, consistent with its integration of sustainability risks in its investment process.